Sep 3, 2008


Ok, I am pumped!!

This Sunday is a double home run Sunday. I will be celebrating the one year anniversary of Piedmont Church and the kick-off of the Verge series and effort.

I am caught up with a conviction that God has brought us to the verge of something even bigger than what we have experienced right now. BUT, the ball is in our court.

Let me say that I am a terrible fundraiser...I hate it. But this time I am unusually excited!!! I am not intimidated in asking you to pray and give. I am so convinced in what can be. I so believe that we are positioned to be used of God to create some serious life change in people. I want you to have the joy and the privilege to participate in changing lives, and so I proudly ask you to give.

Without shame I tell you to seriously seek God, ask for His direction, and make a commitment to give to the Verge effort. It may be a one time gift, it may be a 3-year commitment to give "an extra" to your regular giving, or it may be a non-cash gift, but I call you to be a part in some way.

If you are not still convinced...come listen to the Verge Series. This will be a guilt-free, challenge-filled series that will change your heart and you will be encouraged. I am FIRED up!

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