Dec 4, 2008

Passion part 2

Ok, now what does Passion look like? First, passion always focuses energy. When we have a passion for something we focus our mental, intellectual, and spiritual energy in that direction. It is like going from a shotgun that sprays in many directions to a rifle that is focused in hitting a small area with a big punch.

When you are passionate about improving your marriage you focus energy in direction. On the other hand, if you are passionate about YOUR desires then you will focus your energy on making you happy, comfortable, and satisfied...often at the expense of those around you.

So what are you passionate about? Don't know? Ask yourself, where is your energy focused? Ask God to create and/or direct your passion to the things that really matter, the those things that will last, to pursuing Him, and to the things that will better the lives of those around you. Passion is a key part of living and not just existing.

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