Jul 27, 2007

What concerns you most

I am back, without everyone else. My family stayed behind in Texas to get a little more visiting done.

I want you to think about something. When Jesus walked on the earth he hung around those who were most UNLIKE Him. He hung around the cheats, the liars, the drunks, the whores, the least Godly. He did so at the price of his reputation. The most constant criticism of Christ when he was on earth was about the crowd of people he hung out with. He didn't hang with them to become like them, but to influence them. He cared about people who needed him to be their friend more than he cared about what others thought about him.

I think that there is a huge lesson to be learned here.


Chad said...

I agree Jerry. I seem to freeze up when I get around people like this. I pray that God would help me in these situations.

Chad said...

By the way. Welcome back. I hope your flight back was not a disaster like going out.

Jerry said...

Thanks Chad, it is good to be home and out of the airport.