Oct 1, 2009

Choose Life

Check out this verse;

"I place before you Life and Death, Blessing and Curse. Choose life so that you and your children will live. And love God, your God, listening obediently to him, firmly embracing him (Deu. 30:19b)."

When I read this verse an application shot to my mind. I sensed that in my life right now the most important arena that I could apply this to is my attitude. My attitude at any given moment is the result of my choice. I choose my attitude.
God challenges me to "Choose life." Several times today I will have the opportunity to choose life or death in my attitude.

When I arrive at work am I going to embrace a negative attitude, or tell myself that today is a day that God gave me and I will look for Him in it? When the gossip begins around me will I join in, or tell myself that that is not what I am to be about today?

Your attitude that you choose today will effect every word, decision, emotion, and behavior. When you choose life in your attitude, the rippling effect is amazing.

So, right now, choose life.

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