Jun 30, 2008

They punched the lock

We came out to the Expedition after Colton's All-star game only to find that someone had punched the lock and stole Jana's purse and the GPS that I borrowed (great, now I have to buy a new one that I didn't want to do...that is the reason I borrowed one.) and I was ticked. By the time we got home they had charged over $500 to our credit cards.

You know, if they would have broken into any other vehicle it would not have bothered me as much. The minute they broke into MY vehicle it became personal. The reason was because it was MINE! I wanted to kicked some buttie...in Jesus name of course.

This all reminds me that the scripture tells us that all who follow Christ are considered by God as His "very own possession." That means that because I am HIS, he takes everything that happens to me very personal. He celebrates my greatest days, cries at my worst moments, and will one day repay those who hurt me without remorse. That knowledge creates something within me that is needed to thrive...HOPE!

In Christ you are His and that draws His focused, loving, and passionate attention to your every moment. Be encouraged.

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