May 5, 2008

My Thoughts on Leadership

A lot of talk has surfaced about leadership. From the candidates for president to the blogs of well known church leaders, everyone is trying bring clarity to what leadership looks like. I will throw in my thoughts.

I think that the best definition of leadership is found in one word...influence. Leadership is influence. Leadership is not a position, not a responsibility, nor is it a job title. Anyone can become a leader when they become someone who influences others.

I have often seen situations in workplaces where someone other than the one with the "boss" title is getting people to get things done. That person may not have the title of leader but because they are influencing people they ARE a leader.

You can be a leader in your work, your home, your friendships when you begin to become an influence. Great leaders in all these arenas understand that leadership is influence and strive to become a positive influence to all whom God places in their path.

Go, be a leader today!

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