Feb 29, 2008

Dominate continues

To continue my theme to dominate that I wrote about yesterday, I will let a brand new song by Chris Tomlin speak for our hearts for Macon. This song speaks to why Piedmont is here and why we are doing all that we are.

Feb 28, 2008


Jana, my wife, has always been a partner with me. She knows me well and keeps me moving in a great direction. She helps me see things that I may not see and she is my life's 2nd greatest cheerleader...Christ is my life's greatest cheerleader (and your's by the way).

My passion in starting Piedmont was to create something that is bigger than I am, something that would impact not only a group of people, but a city. Jana knows that and lately she has been using the word dominate a lot. She has spoken that word at just the right place and time to remind me that we must do what it takes to dominate the city.

We do not want to be quiet or fall into the mold of being that good little church of good little people down the street. No our desire is to dominate, to do whatever it takes to awaken people that there is a God that is pursing them. That our God is the God of this world and the God of this city...a God who has so much for us and is waiting for us to invite him to invade our everyday.

We are going to dominate. We love too much, long for so much, in need of so much, and want so much for others to encounter this amazing God that we can not do anything but dominate. We will not be quiet!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 27, 2008

Taking the city

I was at a conference last week and took 16 of our people with me. Being with them for those two days reminded me that I have great people around me. I am bless and God is blessing because of those who are walking with me on this journey that we call Piedmont Church.

I was energized by them. They have caused me to believe that we can impact this city for the glory of God. Now I know that may sound a little too TV evangelist for many, it kind of does to me...but I am serious. I think that it is time to not sit back and let institutional Christianity rule the day. It is time for a community of people to shout out that Jesus died to start a movement and not just another institution.

Think about it, the Church is outlawed in China, but yet the church exist there. They can not stop it. If Christianity was just an institution you could rid the world of it, but you can't stop a movement.

We should believe that God desires to use us to take this amazing movement to every office, household, marriage, friendship in this city. I say we refuse to be quite and start living like Christ and love the unlovable around us, invest in the given up on, believe that God can change the most rebellious heart, and come to Piedmont expecting that to happen.

I am tired of the institutionalize, dead, boring, irrelevant Jesus that is often presented to people on Sundays. That is not my Christ, and it is not what people are looking for...it is time for an Uprising.

More to come....no I have lost my mind, I am just fired up on what can be in your life and mine.

Feb 25, 2008

synchronized provisions

I was reading about the death of Moses(Deuteronomy 34) and the rise of Joshua (Joshua 1) as the new leader of this developing country called Israel. One things I noticed was that Moses and Joshua were very different men. Moses was the prophet, theologian, and leader. Joshua, on the other hand, was a warrior. Different men with different giftedness and talents doing the same job.

I love what it says about Moses at his death, "Since then no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, for all the signs and wonders which the Lord sent him to perform in the land of Egypt against Pharaoh." When the Hebrews were in Egypt they were a race of people not a nation, and they hadn't heard from God in years. They were a broken people who really didn't know God any more. What they needed was a leader who would get them out of Egypt, remind them of the power of God, refresh them with what God desired, and galvanize them as a nation. That is what Moses did with his personality, his leadership, his teaching, and his miracles.

Years later they had become a nation, still with no land and wondering in the desert, they knew God, and there was a whole new generation of adults who are leading. They do not need to be re-introduced to God like their fathers...no they needed the courage to fight for their land. God replaces Moses with Joshua. Joshua didn't perform all the miracles Moses did. He, instead, led them to fight with courage.

God knew what the Hebrew people needed and when they needed it. If God will do that for a nation he will do it for you. God knows exactly what you need in every season of life and he longs to provide it. He may not change your circumstances (the Hebrews still had to fight for their land.) but with synchronized precision he will provide what you need to conquer it.

We have seen that happen over and over at Piedmont. When a great need arrives God always seems to send a way for us to satisfy that need.

God is not just a provider of good things, but he is a synchronized provider.

Feb 23, 2008

The Unstoppable Movement

I was thinking today how when Jesus left this earth, he left it with no building in His name. There was not a place for those who loved him to go and worship. There was not a church building for His followers.

The reason is that Christianity is a movement, not an organization. Organizations are housed in buildings but movements can not be housed. Do not get me wrong, I am not opposed to church or church buildings...Piedmont just bought one. But in moving closer to our own permanent location we must not forget, Piedmont Church is not to be a Christian club or organization but a part of a huge movement. A movement that began over 2000 years ago and still going strong. A movement that brings incredible life change to anyone who responds.

A movement that I believe can have a huge impact on the city of Macon and all of central Georgia. A movement that will blow your mind. So if are a Christian, join the movement and follow Christ as he leads out in your life. If you are not, come to Piedmont Church, 10:30, Sunday and check out the movement.

Feb 22, 2008

What would I do

I asked previously what you would do with your last 24 hours if you knew it was your last 24 hours. I am intrigued by that question. I find that when I think like that my mind is immediately taken to what is really important, to what I know has lasting value.

Sadly, I often live as if all my tomorrows will be like my today, but they will not. Sure, I may not die real soon but I might. What I do know is that my children are going to grow up and not want me to play with them so much, my strength will not be as present and I will not be able do as much, I also know that today I have opportunities to do things for Christ that will not be available in the future. I know this to be true.

The end result is that iIwant to live like there is no tomorrow, I want to believe God for BIG things and live like I believe it, I want to go crazy loving my kids and wife, and I want to live large today for my tomorrow will not be like my today. It might even be better, but it will be different.

Are you live large enough?