Dec 30, 2009


I am spending a lot of time thinking about a statement I am making this Sunday in the first of the Unleashed series. Here is what I say:

"why is it that in today's brand of Christianity we want to risk nothing, sacrifice nothing, and lose nothing when the very one we claim to follow risked everything, sarificed everything, and lost everything for us."

I wonder if we have lost what it means when Jesus said that to find life...WE MUST LOSE IT. I am not saying we can't live large lives, but I am saying that living a life for us first has to be left behind. How is it possible to follow Jesus when we spend all our prayers asking him to join and bless our lives and mission. Who is following who?

Ok, I know I am sounding closely like the old Southern Baptist preacher, however, my words here are for those who know Jesus and not those who do not. Following Jesus is about always adjusting your life and family to his mission, and not just adding Jesus, morality, church, and a few bible verses to your life.

I want to scream from the highest building...It is time to unleash our lives to Jesus Christ. It is time to feed and heal the poor, challenge the rich to give and serve, and invest in those whom God has placed in our lives, it is time to get active in our communities so that our influence for Jesus can increase. It is time to stop just attending church on Sunday, and start being the church everyday of our lives.


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