Aug 21, 2009


There is a three letter word that is being over communicated. It is kind of like the word love, an important word but in many ways the meaning of it is lost. Some use this word as a club to verbally beat on people, and others never mention it. The word that I am talking about is "sin." Culture wants to replace the word sin with mistake.

It sounds much better when you say, "I have made a mistake" than "I have sinned." If it is just a mistake then I just have to do better, if it is sin then I need a savior.

If it is a mistake then its between me and the other person. If it is a sin then it is between me and God.

I wonder, when was that last time you really confessed your sin to God. Been a while? Maybe that is because you have reclassified your sin as a mistake...and that would be a mistake.

Reality is that we all have sinned and are in need of a Savior. However, we will never see our need for him until we honestly admit that we have sinned, and without a savior we are without hope for now and for eternity.

So I challenge you to not dismiss your sin as a mistake that you just have try harder not to do, but instead call it sin, confess it to a savior, and let him lavish grace up your life.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

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