Jul 30, 2009


Last Sunday I spoke of Jonah. The part of that story that I can not get out of my head this week is how after Jonah ran from God, bought a ride on a boat, got the heck out of Dodge, then God sent a storm, and then in the midst of all that Jonah begin to talk of how he worships God. By saying he "worships God," he is proclaiming that he honors, believes, and follows God (Jonah 1:9).

It is mind boggling that he speaks that he follows God while he is running from God. What he is saying doesn't match what he is doing. I do believe that Jonah is being sincere, but there is a disconnect between what he wants for his life, and what he is living.

Man, Jonah's story is like my story so often. It is easy to really want to follow the desire of God, and yet not realize that in our everyday we are heading away for what God desires for us.

You see, we tend to be convinced that we are doing good based more on what I want than what I am doing. In other words, as long as my heart wants to do good, to do the right thing, and has the right beliefs...I am doing good. All the while we have aspects of our life where we are heading in the opposite direction that God desires for us. We don't even acknowledge these areas of our life because we are convinced we are good because our heart wants and believes the right things.

Get it? Think today not about what you believe, but how you live when it comes to managing your finances, putting others first, the words that come out of your mouth, your sexuality, and all the other stuff that makes up what you do everyday.

Lets reconnect what is often disconnected.

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